Preparing students for a successful future

Settling In
Our Aim
To make the settling in experience welcoming for your child.
To ensure that your child settles in quickly and comfortably.
A key-person will be allocated to your child on the start date. The key person will ensure that the child is welcomed into the setting and will support the child throughout the settling in period along with other members of staff.
Session One: 2 hours with Parent
The child gets to explore the Nursery freely, play where they choose to, and explore the different areas. Key Person will interact with the child, beginning to create a bond. Parents are encouraged to let the child play as independently as possible, perhaps even stepping away if the child allows.
Session Two: 1 hour with Parent/ 1 hour without
Parent and child will engage in some structured activities, allowing the key person to take the lead and the parent to step away if the child allows. We encourage a toy from home and photos of parents to be present at this point. The parent will say goodbye and can wait in the foyer.
Session Three: 1 hour with the key person
The parent hand over the child and can stay in the foyer or go for a coffee and return. A toy from home and photos of parents to be left at Nursery along with any personal belongings the child may need e.g. nappies, water bottle, spare clothes, etc.
The key person will be responsible for giving verbal feedback and completing the daily diaries in eyLog app. They will also be preparing an Individual Learning Plan for the child and track his/her development during their time at the setting.