Rise Montessory Nursery

Frequently Asked Questions

  •  Babies 6 months-2 years
  •  Toddlers 2-3 years old
  •  Preschool 3-5 years old
AGEMinimum Sessions
3 to 4 years old
Full Day (8-6)
25 hours per week
3 to 4 years old
Term Time (38 weeks, 9AM to 3:30 PM)
4 Term Time days
2 to 3 years old
Full Day (8-6)
4 Full Days
(No Term Time)
6 months to 2 years old
Full Day (8-6)
4 Full Days
(No Term Time)

The qualifications range from level 2-5, and we have some unqualified staff
that is doing either practical training, apprenticeships, or diploma studies.

  • Babies- Ratio 1-3 
  • Toddlers- Ratio 1-5
  • Preschool- Ratio 1-8

No, our fees are calculated over 48 weeks of the year so parents are not paying for nursery closures, but parents do pay for bank holidays.

Yes, as we cannot “sell the child’s place” to another while parents are on holiday

No, as our staffing is based on the number of children attending each day 

Nappies, wipes, all meals and snacks, fees for extracurricular classes 

4 sessions that is booked a week prior to starting.  It consists of 1 meeting with the new key worker to share info and then sessions where the child gets the chance to settle into the new environment without the parents present. 

  • 2 months prior to the final date and it should be done in writing and emailed to the nursery office.
  • If a child is claiming funding ( 15 or 30 hours) its one school term’s notice

We follow the Birth to 5 curriculum which gives us more freedom to choose our curriculum so we can follow the children’s interest for example rather than sticking to given curriculum.

Yes, we are registered at Ofsted, our rating is good, and we have termly council visits, inspections and recommendations that we follow.

8am to 6pm- we charge for late pickups. 

  • We provide freshly cooked meals on site.  
  • We are a vegetarian nursery so the protein in the meals normally comes from plants.  
  • We are a nut free nursery, and we avoid sugary snacks.  
  • We allow fruit platters for birthday celebrations and do not accept birthday cakes at nursery.
  • You will complete a care plan during the setting in period and share the dietary requirements there. 
  • This is shared in turn with all the relevant staff and nursery chef which will prepare meals accordingly. 
  • We focus on the positive rather than the negative which means praising good behaviour and ignore bad behaviour in the first instance. 
  • If the behaviour continues the staff member will deal with the child one on one in a supportive and non-aggressive way. 
  • Parents will always be informed about any behaviour issues.
  • We use the software EYLog which has an app that parents can download to view daily diaries and observations. 
  • Yes, you can, and we will always try to accommodate these requests based on the number of children already attending that day and staff availability.
  • Please contact the nursery office with your request at least a week in advance.