The First Six Weeks of Montessori Preschool: Knowing and Doing What’s Right

If you have enrolled your child in a preschool, then the first six weeks of Montessori will be crazy for you and, of course, your child. And since it is something to be expected, isn’t it better to prepare for it accordingly? This will help your kids make the most out of their Montessori curriculum.

Here’s what you can do to help your kids.

Encourage Independence

The principle of Montessori values independence a lot, and one of the best things you can do for your kid at this point is encourage independence. Once they learn to do certain things on their own, it will be easier for them to follow the same curriculum in the school.

There is no way to ask kids to do their own dishes or make food already. You will find that sometimes kids want to do certain things on their own, and unless it has any risks, you should let them. For example, you can encourage your kids to choose their piece of clothing for the day, put on a coat, put on socks and tie their shoelaces, etc.

But remember to always be there in case they need help. This is not about being successful while trying to tie a shoelace; it’s about trying to do their things.

Help Them Adjust to a New Environment

A preschool is the first place your kid will spend quality time of the day in their life. Before this, they were at home playing with you, their parents. This is why most kids don’t do well with their moods on the first day or the first few days. But once they are easy and comfortable in the new place, they settle in and surprisingly enjoy their time.

You can help them adjust by talking to them about their day at school when they come home. For example, ask them how they spent their time, who they played with, what they learned, etc. This will not only help them feel more comfortable at school but also give you a better idea of what they’re doing and how they’re doing it.

Making friends

Making friends is not just for your kids alone. The more involved you are with your child’s activities and school, the easier the schooling becomes. The social aspect of preschool is essential for every child, and at a Montessori school, children have many chances to interact with their classmates.

You can join communities, attend school functions – get to know the parents and the teachers. Make sure your child is aware and familiar with the surroundings and that they are developing relations with their classmates.

Apart from playing or playtimes, meal time is another part of the day where your child can make friends. If you are packing some snacks from home, ensure enough for your kid’s friends too.


The first six weeks of Montessori are vital for your child’s academic and social development. Rise Montessori Nursery is a Montessori preschool in Pinner, which helps the kids enjoy and settle quickly and well without much hassle. Even if you are busy, provide extra practice before joining and the Montessori Nursery should be able to take it further from there.

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