Child-centered or Teacher-directed ? : Make the right choice for your child

One idea that underpins the Montessori philosophy, is that education must be child-centered. Maria Montessori is famously quoted, advising educators to “follow the child.” Allow the child to determine the path of their education — with the necessary support. By allowing child to pursue their curiosity and passions, we create opportunities for intrinsic motivation, as each new discovery is its own reward.

Montessori education is known for fostering the development of independence, by allowing childs freedom and responsibility in a child-centered environment. Childs work with teachers to set goals, map out their plan for each week, and strategize how to stay on track towards those goals. Childs work independently, and in groups to reach benchmarks, and eventually accomplish their long-term learning goals. This level of independence is a goal of Montessori education, and takes careful cultivation.

An Environment Designed for Learning

The classrooms in Montessori system involve multi-age groupings. The benefit of multi-age groupings revolves around the fact that younger children get the chance to learn from the older children. The older children actually reinforce whatever they have already learned and mastered.

Children are naturally curious, and when they feel safe they like nothing more than to explore. We’ve designed our classroom to encourage that independent exploration.

Montessori Materials

The two key aspects of Montessori learning is utilization of scientifically designed materials and hands-on learning approach. The Montessori learning materials teach a single concept or skill; they also contain a built-in-mechanism which helps the students in the assessment of their progress as well as correction of mistakes without the intervention of the teacher.

It’s Never Too Soon to Start Learning

RISE Montessori’s learning programs are based on the idea that young children can excel when they’re given the right kind of support. Even the youngest children can benefit from a carefully planned educational program.

If you want to learn more about our programs, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and learn more. It’s never too soon to enroll your child and give them a strong start.

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We aim to provide a nurturing, safe and fun environment helping children to learn and empower themselves for their development. Our aim is to help children develop to their fullest potential and more importantly, enjoy learning.

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