Are you taking this lockdown as an opportunity to enable your kids to learn LIFE SKILLS?

Life can be overwhelming when you have toddlers at home to test your boundaries (emotionally and physically). I am sure all the parents are doing different things to keep their children busy along with home learning.
The children in the early years are lacking this opportunity of leaning with their peers. I am sure we all agree, that holistic development of a child is really important and to really succeed in all walks of life, focus should always be to enable environment which promotes them to learn LIFE SKILLS.

Montessori @ Home

As a parent and montessori practitioner myself, I decided to practice some simple activities in each area of Montessori for my toddler at home. I would like to share all these activities with you all so you can also practice this with your toddlers or pre-school kids. Activities are very simple and short but learning is very practical and long lasting.

Over next 4-5 weeks, I will pickup one area each week and describe 4-5 activities in each of those areas.
Week 1 – Practical Life
Week 2 – Mathematics
Week 3 – Language
Week 4 – Sensorial
Week 5 – Understanding of the world

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