Applying Montessori Ideas When Reading with Your Child

Writing and reading might not be something a usual adult struggles with, but the same can be difficult for the children, especially if you want your children to read to learn valuable lessons, skills, or words. In this case, the Montessori way of reading is highly effective for the betterment of your child. The Montessori approach is a set of practices following which your child can establish a natural learning experience.

The next time your child is reading, try out these practices.

  1. Ask your child to choose a book for themselves

Of course, you cannot let a child go to the library and pick up a book from any shelves or a large number of collections. Not only will this be overwhelming for them, but they might also fail to choose a book appropriate for their age. However, you can select a few books for your child and let them choose one from those few. This way, you can know what kind of book your child prefers to read, and this will also help them improve their choices in case they are not entirely happy with their choice the first time.

  1. Don’t start the practice of rewarding them for reading

Sometimes parents call it ‘investment’ as they offer incentives, in the form of free food or may be cash for saving. In some parts of the country, there are also many programs that do the same. But Montessori approach doesn’t encourage this idea, whether it is rewarding for successful reading or punishing for failing to manage lessons.

Because reading is not just another experience to achieve and then give up, it could be formed in a hobby or even a lifestyle, and both for the better.

  1. Talk about what you read

Talking and having a conversation about what you read earlier is a great way to comprehend. Comprehension makes it easier for children to retain information and details they learned during the reading session.

You can establish creative discussions while reading, and this can include making predictions on what is going to happen next or different opinions on what a character says, or basically anything that fuels up a discussion.

  1. Establish repetitive reading

Repetitive reading is common among pre-schoolers. Whether it is a storybook or kid’s movie, they like to keep doing it again and again. You can use this opportunity to incorporate it into your reading sessions. Repetitive reading helps in remembering words for the long term and connecting the moral of the story to real-life experiences.


While looking for Montessori schools for pre-schoolers where they can enjoy reading sessions and learn valuable lessons from them please do ensure that the Montessori Nursery should have group reading exercises, where the kids read and share their comprehension and learn to use vocabulary from the books they have read. The latest Montessori development and practices guide our education and teaching.

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