5 useful tips that will help you become a peaceful parent

Many parents have shared their urge to turn to hitting or shouting when it comes to stressful interactions with their children. But when they are thinking straight, they are always looking for peaceful parenting. Raising children never gets easier, but choosing to hit or shout at your kids ruin the bond you have with them irreparably. It can also impact your child’s life in various ways for which, shifting to peaceful parenting is ideal and here are our 5 tips to make your parenting a bit easier.

  1. Focus on building a strong relationship

Spend quality time with your child by doing activities or playing. Giving attention to your child is important, but pampering all the time is not ideal. Form a bond where your child finds a friend in you and also respects you. The love and attention you give your child will help them value your bond, and you might even experience your child trying to do the right and better things because that makes you happy.

  1. Give them space

Sometimes your child will be upset or throw tantrums, and it might feel unreasonable to you. But you cannot shout at them or take it personally. If you stay calm, compassionate and patient, your child will eventually turn to you to express the reason for his anger.

Sharing their feeling, no matter how strong they are, will eventually evaporate. You can be compassionate about their feelings. But letting them stay angry is not good for your child.

  1. Don’t force apologies out of them

Often in public, if your child misbehaves with someone that is not family, you feel embarrassed. In such a case, you might politely ask them to say sorry to the concerned person. But if your child refuses to listen to you, it is not ideal of you to not let him move on before he apologizes. Chances are you are making them resentful. Instead, you can normalize saying sorry for your wrongdoings and let your child learn from you.

  1. Don’t be harsh while setting limits

Boundaries are easy ways to discipline your child. Like, the time for a bath, time for bed, time for a play session, etc. But the ideal way to set limits is to be reasonable. Firm limits are what help them discipline their life without much hassle in the future. You can view how the limits work from your child’s perspective, like how they wish there were no limits at all, but don’t try to avoid them. And most of all, don’t go all mad and angry if they miss it by any chance.

  1. Practice before you preach

If you want your child to behave and be what you want, you should practice that yourself in the family. Your child sees you as his role model, and when you do things confidently, they will follow in your footsteps. You can practice anger management tips – which a child will require sooner or later.


Becoming a peaceful parent comes with testing your limits at times and your ability to stay patient. But it’s not always up to you – among many other factors, your child responding to your gesture is important too. As a thoughtful, loving person and parent, opportunities are available to you. Look for solutions and peace instead of giving in to your immediate impulses.

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