Managing Emotions of Children in a Montessori Nursery

Maria Montessori’s teaching is now the most respected and followed among modern parents and early childhood educators. The reason behind the high acceptance is the fact that we are not satisfied with old style parenting and raising techniques anymore. We have realized that punishment and harsh discipline is not the answer to dealing with young kids’ tender emotions and feelings. We have to recognize and understand the child’s needs and fulfill them to the best of our ability based on their natural state of being. Science suggests that a child’s emotional experiences from the very young age form part of their brain and get deeply embedded, influencing their behaviour for years to come. Let’s look at how Montessori can help manage a kid’s emotions in the most optimal way.

Belongingness  – It is important for children to have the sense of belonging. They might hesitate to naturally feel connected to their surroundings and it is our responsibility to make them realize that they do belong to their family, circle of friends and the community. It’s critical for them to feel accepted, valued and loved for who they are. Our task is to provide an environment where children are free to express their frustration, joy, contentment, anger and fear. A peaceful and serene environment at a Montessori nursery creates a more accepting atmosphere ensuring that the place becomes an integral and joyful part of kids’ childhood.

Communication – We can communicate care, love, and acceptance through our gestures and body language. Talking to the kids in the language they understand and find interesting, making eye-contact with playful gestures are all essential parts of establishing successful communication based on mutual respect.

Well Set Boundaries – Kids grow well with clear mindset when they have well demarcated boundaries in place on certain matters. Adults have to guide these boundaries in a matter-of-factly manner and stay consistent. Word “no” shouldn’t be something we tend to avoid as it provokes a very strong emotional response. Comforting a child is a natural way for parents to deal with the eruption of those feelings. Also, children feel safe and confident when they follow some kind of routine every day where they know what to expect under the familiar circumstances.

Self-preservation and Self-Development – In order for a child to function and develop optimally, we have to make sure that his or her needs are met at all levels. For proper growth of body, it is nutritious food and physical activities, whereas for the mind – creative setups and mild challenges are the ways to go. Overall well-being and keeping them in high spirits are just as paramount.

Repetition & Patience – It takes time and practice to achieve a prominent result. We can reinforce mature emotional response in various situations and be a positive role model in their lives. We have to be prepared to demonstrate all the good qualities to kids over and over again and help them assimilate these qualities and high moral values.

Playful Activities– Playing helps kids to get familiar with social cues and learn what’s appropriate for them and what’s not. Help them become masters of their own body. It gives them the joy of concentration and self-fulfillment. Playing keeps them joyful and help them overcome any dull moments and boredom.

Explore – Kids need to be familiar with their emotions and all those feelings that arise in their chest. They should be allowed to explore what in their environment makes them feel sad, happy, curious, exhausted, helpless or empowered. It’s important for the kids to understand that it’s quite natural to have all of these emotions. Everyone experiences them including the animals & pets. It allows them to deal with wide variety of emotions nonchalantly and not get into any internal conflicts.

Conclusion- Based on the experience and research of childhood educators Maria Montessori’s teachings have been found to be the best way we can make a toddler understand the world properly and have a profound effect on their holistic development. The only concern is to see how well we can practically apply them. Managing emotions is just one bit of it, and the positives of Maria’s methodologies are countless. Montessori Nurseries are completed based on these time-tested principles and they partner well with kids and parents to provide the best way of upbringing for the kids.

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